Sunday 14 April 2013

Haircare That Looks After You

Thank you very much for all the good feedback I got from my Rehab review a couple of weeks ago, read it here, it was really lovely to hear! Inspired by that post, I thought I’d do another haircare post about what my favourite products are to use, though this post is more about what I use to look after my hair than what I use to style it with. Reason being, I am pretty lucky in that my hair is quite low maintenance; I’m most definitely a wash and go kinda girl and at the moment I don't really style my hair day to day. Plus, I am desperate for it to grow to mermaid long proportions, so I've been trying to build it up to maximum health  These are my essential haircare products:

L-R: Tangle Teezer, Rehab from Lush, Dr Organic Moroccan Argan Oil Conditioner, Charles Worthington Protect Spray, Phyto Phytomist for Coloured Hair, Argan Oil (pure), Mason Pearson brush

When I’m washing my hair I ALWAYS use Rehab, (I hope Lush never discontinue this product!) and an Argan oil based conditioner. This one is from the Dr Organic range from Holland and Barrat and it’s definitely the best one I’ve tried so far, having tried so many I think I’ve lost count! As well as Argan oil, this conditioner contains aloe vera and patchouli to smooth, olive oil and citrus juices for shine and repairing antioxidant vitamin E. 

I really think that natural is the way to go as far as haircare is concerned as hair doesn’t really need the high tech ingredients that your skin does, though I know I’m a little biased from my Lushie background. My hair and scalp respond so well to natural products that I probably wouldn’t go back to using anything else, and as I colour my hair, it’s nice to feel that I’m giving it a bit of goodness back. For less than a tenner each it’s easy to find quality products that work. 

In terms of styling products, I always spritz my damp hair all over with Charles Worthington Protect Salon Finish Heat Defense Spray.  This not only protects your hair from heat styling products but also from the climate, pollution, UV rays and colour fade. Even if I’m not going to style my hair I still use this as I love that it protects my hair from London life. 

One thing that I really don’t like about my hair is how prone to tangling it is! Even though my hair is fine, it’s pretty thick, and if I’m lazy about brushing it, it slowly resembles something Hagrid would be proud of. I usually put a few drops of Argan oil or few sprays of Phyto’s Phytomist (leave in conditioner) for coloured hair in the ends while my hair is still damp and comb it through with a Tangle Teezer. It detangles and restores suppleness and shine. 

The other essentials in my haircare collection are my Tangle Teezer and Mason Pearson hairbrush. Having a good hairbrush that doesn’t tear and damage your hair is absolutely essential to shiny, glossy hair and both of these are fantastic. I use the Tangle Teezer more when my hair is wet, especially to comb through conditioner while I’m washing my hair, and the Mason for styling.

1 comment:

  1. I love this post thank you for the tips!
    Definitely going to keep on reading your blog! It's interesting AND funny!

    Check out my blog if you like!



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Rhiannon xx